We had a lot of fun around here this weekend!! We planted flowers and mowed the lawn and Jake got very good at watering the garden. How is it that two days can fly by so quickly? Mat built us two raised garden beds this weekend. I've become a huge fan of the "Square Foot Gardening" concept. One box is 4ftX4ft and the other is 4ftX3ft which means we can potentially have 25 different crops of herbs, veggies and flowers AND they make it sound so easy. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. All I know is that there's nothing like home grown vegetables and I love the idea of growing our own produce in our backyard. We already have a ton of rhubarb so I picked some today and by tomorrow night it will magically become strawberry rhubarb crumble--so good.
Reclaim, Rejuvenate & Rebalance: A Personal Renewal Group for Moms -this group coaching tele-class is based upon the best selling book by Renee Trudeau (A Mother's Guide to Self-Renewal) -if you're a mom or know of a mom that could use a little "me time" and needs to get reconnected with herself this would be perfect (starts in July) What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know -a three week tele-class that covers the essentials of what every pregnant woman needs to know (starts in July) -it supplements the information you get in pre-natal classes and broadens the view of childbirth from one of "necessary medical intervention" to one of "childbirth is a normal event"
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